Quercus cerris, Turkey oak

If you want an more upright oak, with a lighter feel, the Turkey oak is for you. The tree is good for:

  • golden autumn colour, better than most white oaks, brown leaves linger on into winter
  • the deciduous leaves are deeply lobed with 5-7 pointed tips
  • leaf colour is glossy green
  • moderate to fast growing up to 25m
  • more drought tolerant than most deciduous oaks
  • shade is moderate to deep
  • acrons are oval and half enclosed in a ‘mossy’ cup
  • Note: the timber splits, unlike most oaks, so good for firewood not more
  • the bark is deeply fissured and silver-grey
  • for parks and gardens


Tree shape

Upright, somewhat pyramidal

Mature size

Large 12-20m

Growth rate



Shade, carbon store, ornamental, autumn foliage, avenues, feature

Soil type

All soils, good in loamy clays


Moderate to drought hardy


oblong-elliptic to lance shaped


SE Europe and Asia minor