Quercus canariensis, Algerian oak
One of the best oaks for southern Australia, especially if winter wind breaking is required, as in most districts about half the leaves remain on the tree with decent autumn colour, until spring leaves shoot out. This species is somewhat columnar when young then broadening out as it ages.
It comes from east and south Spain and in the Atlas mountains and coastal areas of North Africa up to about 1000m on calcareous, heavy soils, but is tolerant of most soil types, especially clays. However, in Australia is grows most satisfactorily in sands in southern Victoria and tight clays in the SE tablelands of the continent.
Leaves are up to 15cm long by 5cm wide with small lobes or rounded teeth on the margins and silver blue colour underneath. Grows best with rainfall around 650mm, but will withstand drought well once established.
This tree’s bark is black and fissured, especially with age.
When mature forms a majestic tree up to 30m tall on better sites.